The following properties can be used to optimize the behavior for Cedar

High Time Frame Minutes : Default 30

This property controls the reference time frame used to determine the intraday trend. The default value is 30 minutes. Increasing this value should help with higher win rate for Cedar but reduced number of trades as Cedar will wait for a confirmed trend on the time frame selected.

Reference Bar Threshold : Default 3 (points)

This is measured in points and should be adjusted for the asset being used for Cedar (already working on finding an asset agnostic value for this property). This property (roughly) controls the max size of the reference bar causing a trend change used for entering into a trade. This is to avoid entering a trade on huge single bar reversals which do not materialize most of the time. The higher the threshold, higher the propensity of Cedar to enter into a trade on those big reversal bars

Bar Closing Threshold : Default 1 (points)

This is measured in points and should be adjusted for the asset being used for Cedar (already working on finding an asset agnostic value for this property). This property (roughly) controls the price band around certain levels which is excluded for firing signals. Lower the threshold, higher the propensity of Cedar to enter into a trade on a reversal

PriceBand Width: Default 1 (points)

This is measured in points and should be adjusted for the asset being used for Cedar (already working on finding an asset agnostic value for this property). This property (roughly) controls the price band around certain levels which is excluded for firing signals. Lower the threshold, higher the propensity of Cedar to enter into a trade on a reversal

ExtremePrice Width: Default 1 (points)

This is measured in points and should be adjusted for the asset being used for Cedar (already working on finding an asset agnostic value for this property). This property (roughly) controls the price band used for generating Overbought/Oversold signals.

S/R Percent Threshold : Default 20 

This property controls the sensitivity of the strategy. The higher the percent threshold, the lower the propensity to follow the trend on semi-extreme conditions. Range (0-99). Values >= 100 may have unspecified reactions.

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